Proof It Document Editing

Copy editing and proofreading services for academics, authors, and business professionals.

Why You Need A Human Editor

No amount of artificial intelligence can replace the value of having a human review your critical documents to ensure the meaning communicated matches the purpose of the document.

Context matters. Your goals matter.

A professional copy editor and proofreader can make sure your document is polished and conveys the message you intend.


Editing Services

Academics: copy editing and proofreading articles, bibliographies, capstone projects, dissertations, theses, research proposals

Business Professionals: copy editing and proofreading annual reports, policy documents, research papers, systematic reviews

Authors: developmental and copy editing for YA fantasy, historical, contemporary fiction and non-fiction

 What is copy editing?

Editing is determined by the editor/client agreement.

Copy editing: revisions to improve written (cohesive) content (edits include revisions to ensure the active voice, concise language, clarity, grammar, syntax, voice, tone, and readability).*

Proofreading: reviewing content that has already been copy edited (revisions include grammar, spelling, and punctuation; an editor may provide comments to indicate where the author should review/revise if needed).*

Developmental/content editing: revisions to a draft of writing that is in progress (revisions and comments include paragraph structure, readability, and conceptual meaning).

Generally, a writer should have a completed draft before seeking editing services. Not sure what type of editing you need? An editor can take a look at what stage of writing your draft is in and advise.

*My copy editing process includes two full read-throughs and proofreading.

Disclaimer: My editing services involve human editing. I also use spellcheck and Grammarly. My expectation is that writers submit drafts written themselves, with the understanding that AI technology can serve as a writing tool (not a replacement).

Why Hire Me?

Over 25 years (and counting!) experience writing and editing various document types.

I have managed large datasets, written technical manuals, and compiled research and annual reports.

My experience includes data collection, analysis, report writing, and systematic reviews, in addition to writing my thesis.

I have conducted international work abroad and have experience supporting ESL language acquisition.